In Defense of the Latin Church
The truth of the matter is that sprinkling, even smudging (not the Native American kind - water, not tobacco smoke!), are permitted only when necessary by the Latin Church. Their usual method is pouring a small amount of water over the candidate's head - which of course might also be called a poor substitute for triple immersion. But when even pouring isn't possible, whether because of insufficient water at the particular time or place, or concerns about the candidate, e.g., a water sensitivity or allergy, the fact that they still insist on water at all might be considered by some to be pretty hard-core, considering that many Protestants now use grape juice instead of wine for communion, whether in deference to persons with alcoholism or for other reasons.
I'm not endorsing it *or* criticizing it. "I don't make the news, I just report it!!" But I thought in fairness a clarification was called for. If we're going to critique anybody, let's do so for something they really do as a rule, and not their oikonomia so much.
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