Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Services without a Priest

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!

When you can't get to church, or when a parish or group of the Faithful sometimes doesn't have a priest present, it is recommended to pray the Pro-Liturgy or Typica, individually or as a family or parish.

I have also heard that some read the actual Liturgy privately. (All people's parts are available in the Jordanville Prayerbook; additional parts also available in the Antiochian Pocket Prayerbook.) Since I can so seldom get to church, I find this more helpful in maintaining a sense of connectedness to the Church, as well as growing increasingly familiar with the Liturgy itself. (Contrary to some advices, I include the full Litanies and priest's prayers, as full of theology as they are and all. It's not in a spirit of presumption, but may God have mercy on me!)

Sadly and amazingly, I am not aware of any parish that streams the Liturgy live on the Internet mostly in English. The Greek Archdiocese of America ones AFAIK are substantially - sometimes exclusively - in Koine, and sometimes even lack a homily in English.


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