Sunday, April 22, 2007

St. Varnava bio in English now available

The newly-translated biography of St. Varnava (Nastic) of Hvosno, native of Gary, Indiana, is now available for purchase from Fr. Slobodan Jovic's parish, St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in California. Email him for up-to-date details. It's actually about 160 pages bio and as many of documents from St. Varnava (aka Barnabas) - letters, sermons, etc. It's paperback. The Serbian priest who wrote it - also surnamed Jovic but no relation to Fr. Slobodan - had the 'privilege' of residing in St. Varnava's prison cell for a while in the '80s under the Communist regime of Yugoslavia. I've browsed the book so far and it looks pretty fascinating!


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