Saturday, March 03, 2007

Pascha Scheduling

Use the (old*) Catholic Encyclopedia with care, but since it dates from a century ago, it reflects concern about a good number of things that very roughly 'jive' with Orthodoxy. In particular today, it actually provides the best discussion yet of the history of the scheduling of Pascha that I've seen...though not the change introduced by the Western Church with the Gregorian calendar "reform." Just, while reading, keep in mind that the full moon is considered to occur on the 14th day of the lunar month. This especially highlights the fact that there's actually some confusion regarding whether the earliest Church was trying to schedule Great and Holy Friday, or the Feast of Feasts: the Resurrection of the Lord; this is a question because if we believe the Lord was crucified on Passover, He didn't rise until the third day, so scheduling the Feast of Feasts on or related to Jewish Passover would presumably be a mistake.

I don't offer this by way of endorsing changing how Orthodox schedule Pascha - I think how we do it is perfect(!). But just for the history.

(*--I call it this for two reasons: [1] Since the 1960s there has been published the New Catholic Encyclopedia, which is very different in part because it reflects the post-Vatican II Catholic Church, and [2] so as not to confuse with the Old Catholic Church, a post-Vatican *I* offshoot of the Latin Church occasionally in discussions with Orthodoxy.)


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